Heartsaver ® Pediatric First Aid, CPR, AED

The Heartsaver Pediatric First Aid CPR AED course is designed to meet the training needs of childcare providers in almost all U.S. states* while also being a comprehensive resource for parents, grandparents, teachers, babysitters or anyone responsible for the safety of children. Combining online and hands-on skill components, this one-stop-shop course teaches childcare providers and parents critical first aid, CPR and AED skills.

Cost for the course

Pediatric First Aid, CPR, AED: $85 per person, student book $5. 

All required training material needed for each student to practice hands on skills and procedures. (i.e.) Non-Latex gloves, First Aid supplies, adult and infant manikins ect.

The course takes approximately 4-5 hrs to complete. Each student will have the opportunity to practice and perform each skill necessary to become proficient enough to safely and effectively manage any given emergency should they become involved with one.

Childcare Providers

Responding to injuries and illnesses is the most common situation childcare providers face, but it’s important to quickly assess which ones are minor and which carry the urgency of a life-threatening emergency. Heartsaver courses from AHA offer: a cohesive, consistent experience for the learner, best practices to give students the best possible learning experience and help them better retain information, enhanced and realistic scenarios, while providing course and content flexibility. 


 Companies with a workforce where First Aid CPR AED training may prove invaluable for the safety of both their employees and customers (childcare workers, teachers, foster care workers, camp counselors, coaches, etc.). The general public that desires to be prepared for an emergency in any setting (parents, grandparents, babysitters and guardians).


 • Pediatric First Aid Basics (bleeding/bandaging, allergic reactions, use an epinephrine pen, bites, stings, drowning, burns, asthma, and more)
• Child CPR AED
• Child Choking
• Infant Choking
• Adult CPR AED (optional)
• Adult Choking (optional)


 On completion each student will receive a 2 year AHA Heartsaver Pediatric First Aid and CPR AED certification card that will be sent via eCard in approximately 1-2 weeks 
